The Message Masters:
Customized Communications Skills Training

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."
 -- George Bernard Shaw

A media interview, a keynote address, a Congressional hearing, an earnings call, a company town hall – all bad times for original thought. Your reputation and your organization’s future are on the line.

When the focus is on you, you must face the spotlight effectively and with confidence, regardless of whether you want the spotlight. The Message Masters will help you successfully achieve your communications objectives.

With Message Masters, you will benefit from the instruction and guidance of two seasoned senior communications practitioners who have coached more than 2,000 CEOs, PIOs and other spokespersons to become successful persuasive speakers in front of the camera and in front audiences of any size.

Clearview Media Skills Training Workshops

Your intensive Message Masters workshop includes customized classroom instruction, interactive team discussion and individual coaching of every critical element necessary to be a successful and effective communicator, including successive on-camera drills to ensure you’re on message and flawless in your delivery. A Message Masters workshop is one of the most realistic and effective communications skills training programs in the nation.

The answer: Anyone in a position of leadership and authority can benefit from a rigorous Message Masters workshop. Anyone who is in regular contact with your target audience, is considered an organizational spokesperson, or is preparing for a pivotal presentation needs impeccable communications skills.​

Media Interview Tips for CEOs

Andrew Bowen, APR reviews the common pitfalls around media interviews for CEOs. Clearview works with chief executive officers around critical presentations, crisis communications and media interviews.

Bowen describes four typical reactions to the prospect of media interviews: "the delegators," those that will "wing it," those that prepare, but don't get feedback and rehearse, finally, those that are consummate communicators. Which one are you? Watch the video to find out. 

When your reputation or your organization’s future is on the line.

Book a communication skills consultation when you:

  • Anticipate a major speech or presentation that is pivotal to your personal success or that of your organization.
  • Are contacted by journalists or bloggers who want to know the details of a corporate, organizational or personal misstep that has become public, and you need help developing an objective-driven, offensive media relations plan.
  • Sense that events may be unfolding that threaten your personal reputation, or that of your organization, and you need help creating and executing a proactive response plan.
  • Need confidential crisis communications planning and campaign execution.
  • Want support in crafting a vital speech for which specific results or outcomes are required.
  • Need to address any non-crisis, incident-driven, internal or external messaging that mandate specific objectives and outcomes.
  • Want to grow your verbal and non-verbal communications skills as a tactical element of your personal brand and professional advancement.
  • Need immediate and/or long-term, offensive or defensive professional communications consultation from experts who have been there.
  • Need to develop motivational, persuasive messaging and personal capabilities for a specific future event or for your own personal growth and development.
  • Want to transform a normally routine presentation into a memorable performance designed to excite and energize your audience.
  • Must engage in presentation skills development for yourself, your key staff or spokespersons for earnings reports, board presentations, employee meetings, staff meetings, Congressional hearings, internal announcements, event messaging, milestones, legal depositions and more.


Doctors, scientists at federal agency communicate effectively after experiencing rigorous Message Masters workshops

Experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC/ATSDR) wanted to make the most of their interview opportunities to communicate important public health information through the news media. The Clearview/Message Masters team acted as a seamless extension of the CDC's in-house media team to train participants with varying levels of professional experience, age and understanding of the news media. The workshops prepared the CDC's doctors and scientists to organize their communications strategy to ensure their important work was communicated effectively in media interview situations and in their daily work with colleagues, other organizations and partners.

When the news media is on the way... 


Eric Ratcliffe, Director, 360 Advanced, Tampa 
On winning another client who read one of our news releases.