15 more media interview tips – slow down your delivery!
Slow down your delivery; speak to the reporter's note taking speed.
Ask if they are getting it all down ("Am I going too fast?").
In a phone interview, listen to their keystrokes on their PC, and sloooow down.
Repeat your key messages at least three times for each key message.
Know reporter/blogger math: 6X1=0 ... 3X3=1
That is, six messages or more provided randomly will result in no retention. However, three key messages stated succinctly three times may result in the retention of one (which could be the headline or lead element in a story/blog, or evening news teaser).
Have handouts and written documents the reporter/blogger can take away or receive by e-mail.
Respond to reporter questions in writing by e-mail.
Rehearse and role play before the interview.
Speak in sound bites of no more than 10-15 seconds, pause, provide another key message.
Never repeat the negative; you will be the one saying it.
Avoid corporate speak and jargon; use plain language your mother would understand.
Ask to say it again; if you bloop or make a mistake in a statement, acknowledge it and ask to restate the point.
Don't ramble, get long-winded or wander off message; pause-- dead air is your friend.
You are never off the record; don't go there!
Articulate clearly and don't mumble.